Each Branch library is arranged according the the Library of Congress Classification system. Once you know the general area where books on your topic are kept, it can be very effective to browse the shelves. How to read a call number
PA 1-8595 Classical Languages and Literature
227-1179 Greek Philology and Language
2001-2915 Latin Philology and Language
3051-4500 Greek Literature: Ancient (Classic) to ca. 600 C.E.
4505 Medieval and Modern Authors Writing in Classical Greek
5000-5660 Greek Literature: Byzantine and Modern
PB 1-431 Modern European Languages: General Works
PC 1-5498 Romance Languages
PD - Old Germanic, Scandinavian
PE - English 1-3729
PF - Dutch, German 1-5999
PG - Slavic 1-7925 Slavic, Baltic, Albanian Languages and Literature
PH - Finnish 1-5490 Dinno-Ugrian, Basque Languages and Literatures
PJ - Oriental, Semitic 1-9293
PK - Indo-Iranian 1-6996 Indo-Iranian
PL - East Asian, African, Oceania 1-8844 Languages and Literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania
PM - Indigenous American, Artificial Languages 1-9021 Hyperborean, Indian, and Artificial Languages
PN - Literary History & Collections 1-6790 Literary History and Collections (General)
80-99 Criticism
101-245 Authorship
441-1009.5 Literary History
1010-1551 Poetry
1560-1590 The Performing Arts, Show Business
1600-3307 Drama
1660-1693 Dramatic Composition
1865-1999 Special Types of Drama 2000-3307 Dramatic Representation, The Theater
3311-3503 Prose, Proce Fiction
4001-4355 Oratory, Elocution, Recitations, etc.
4400 Letters
4500 Essays
4699-5650 Journalism
6010-6790 Collections of General Literature
6080-6095 Quotations
6099-6110 Poetry
6110.5-6120 Drama
6120.15-6120.95 Fiction
6121-6129 Orations
6130-6140 Letters
6141-6145 Essays
6147-6231Wit and Humor, Satire
6249-6790 Miscellaneous
PQ - Romance Literature 1-9999
PR - English Literature 1-9680
PS - American Literature 1-3576
PT - Germanic Literature 1-9999