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Counseling Adolescents YMN320 : Finding Library Materials


Browse the Library Shelves by Call Numbers

Each Branch library is arranged according the the Library of Congress Classification system. Once you know the general area where books on your topic are kept, it can be very effective to browse the shelves. How to read a call number

BR115 Counseling Religious aspects Christianity

BV4400-4470 Practical church work. Social work. Work of the layman   

BV4485-5099 Practical religion. The Christian life   

HQ767.8-792.2 Children. Child development 

HQ793-799.2 Youth. Adolescents. Teenagers

Journals, Magazines and Newspapers

Physical Copies: All issues are shelved alphabetically by Journal Title at the Lancaster branch:

  • Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith

  • Psychology for Living

  • Psychology Today

  • Science News

  • Journal of Biblical Counseling

  •  Journal of pastoral practice (applies secular principles of counseling to pastoral offices)

  • Journal of Youth Ministry

  • Marriage & Family : a Christian journal

  • Journal of Adolescent Psychology