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LBC-Owned eBooks: Start Here

This guide helps faculty and staff determine whether an eBook is owned by LBC and if so how many simultaneous users may access it.

Does LBC Library Own this eBook?

Step 1: Search for "Books/eBooks" on the Search box of the library website.



Step 2: Select the link for the eBook title from the results list--not the "View eBook" button. 




Step 3: Stroll down to blue link labeled "Access Online." Click the link for the Collection containing this eBook title. 


Two Important Questions

Does the LBC library own this eBook?

EBooks that we own are in separate collections. You may want to know if the eBook is in a collection that we own.

Follow the instructions on the left to determine the collection that has the eBook you want.

How do I know this is an LBC-Owned eBook?

After reading through the instructions on the left, check the tab at the top of this page "LBC-Owned eBooks Collections" for those collections that give access to LBC-owned eBooks.

Electronic Resources Librarian

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Clint Banz
Jones Library Lancaster
717.569.7071 x5412