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LBC-Owned eBooks: LBC-Owned eBook Collections

This guide helps faculty and staff determine whether an eBook is owned by LBC and if so how many simultaneous users may access it.

LBC-Owned eBook Collections & Simultaneous Users Info

Here is a list of the eBook collections that contain only LBC-Owned eBooks. In addition, the level of simultaneous access is provided.

All EBSCO eBooks 
(1-3 simultaneous users; some have unlimited access)

ProQuest eBook Central Perpetual 
(1-3 simultaneous users; some have unlimited access)

GALE eBooks 
(Unlimited simultaneous users)

Project Muse eBooks 
(Unlimited simultaneous users)

CREDO eBooks 
(Mostly 1 simultaneous user)

JSTOR eBooks 
(Unlimited simultaneous users)

(Unlimited simultaneous users)

Oxford eBooks 
(Multiple simultaneous users)

Simultaneous users for ProQuest and EBSCO eBooks

EBSCO eBooks

ProQuest eBooks