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LBC-Owned eBooks: Troubleshooting Tips

This guide helps faculty and staff determine whether an eBook is owned by LBC and if so how many simultaneous users may access it.

Cut & Paste

The ability to cut & paste is not controlled by us or by the vendor, EBSCO. It is controlled by the publisher. Certain publishers are extremely jealous for their unique material. Zondervan often has this restriction, too.

I have two attachments that have been included for you to look at to find out whether there is a restriction like this. First, after accessing the eBook, you have to click the book icon in the upper right corner. Then you get a list of access properties, such as: 

  • how many concurrent users can access the book.
  • can the book be downloaded [we control usually that feature --if we have access to only one user at a time, we do not permit downloads]
  • copy and paste restriction will then be listed