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Dashboard overview
The Dashboard, available in the column on the left side of EBSCOhost

Click Recent Activity and see the most recently searches.

Custom Folders has been renamed Projects and appears in the left-hand panel under My dashboard.
To create a project:
1) Click on the blue plus sign on the right side of the page to create a Project.
2) Once you have created the project, the title of the folder will appear on the page.
3) To begin adding material to your project folder, use the search bar at the top of the page to begin searching for relevant materials.

4) To add materials to the project select Add to Project.

Click Searches to view your Search history and Search alerts.
Holds & Checkouts to view a list of EBSCO eBooks you have checked out

Research can only be accessed permanently if you have created a MyEBSCO account. To determine if you have a MyEBSCO account, click on MyEBSCO account on the right side of the page. If you see your name, or an option to Sign out of MyEBSCO, you are already logged in. If you do not see your name, but an option to Create an account, you will need to create account to retain saved information in your dashboard.